15mm SF Space Marines, Not The GW Kind

2024-12-27 15mm-SF /


These guys are from Rebel Minis 'Earth Force Marines' line. I'd been eyeing them for years, so to stumble on a set buried in an ebay auction I won for super cheap was a delight. Just a classic no-nonsense set of soldiers with rifles in armored environment suits. I gave them a similarly workmanlike paintjob, simple block and wash with a flourish of hand detailed unit insignia, but deliberately going for doneness over perfection.


Squad Heavy Weapons

What they lack is support weapons though, so I used this impromptu project as an excuse to pickup some drones from Ground Zero Games like these to fill out the force. (And also some of their kickass spider drones, but that's for another day)


I did three each of three types - rotary machinegun, missile tube pack, and a flexible grenade launcher/laser/flamer/whatever looking one.


All told I've got enough for two platoons each consisting of a single 4-man command fireteam and two squads of two 4-man fireteams with heavy weapons.

Scout Drones

I felt like if they're running semi-remote wheeled drones they probably need to have some scout drones. And my basic conception of SF space marines are them desperately hopping from cover to cover and never being spotted directly if they can help it.


More GZG models, again keeping it simple with the painting. I figure one per squad and one for the command team feels right.


Air Support

Lastly I had a bag of castoffs I bought from the Talon Games/C.A.V. booth last Millennium Con and in that bag were two of these planes. Well almost these. The actual model had these weird blocky bits all over the flight surfaces that looked anti-aerodynamic and I printed and glued on all the ordnance.


I spent a while tweaking the canopy but it was worth it. One of the better ones I've done. I still mean to do the other of these models as a crashed marker, shattered and plowed into the dirt.

And they could use a couple APCs or IFVs and maybe a tank. GZG and Khurasan both have some strong candidates.