Battle Report in Brief - Dropzone in the Desert
Dropzone Commander /
DZC Resistance /
10mm-SF /
Battle Report /
I thought we should try Dropzone on my desert table. We wound up only playing a 750pt game, so both sides are a basically an armor group and an infantry group.
PHR set up a firebase in good cover, and then just ammo dumped in to whatever got nearest.
The closest I came to cracking the PHR anvil was running a group of rocket technicals up the side and concentrating fire on the commander. I damaged it, but it held on to that last HP and then tore up the technicals with a combination of railgun and minigun fire.
PHR infantry forces took one building early and setup a sniper nest. The other Immortal platoons took the contestable buildings nearby the next turn.
Resistance plan was to to ground attack the PHR infantry with attack helicopters, but they continually failed to do much other than blow up the Juno IFVs.
After the Lifthawks dropped their APCs, they tried to take down the Njord and firebase, but their weapons were extremely disappointing. They took a while to die, sure, but they did very little along the way.
It was basically all down to whether the straggling Resistance fighters could do anything to dislodge the PHR Immortals on turn 5. They'd overrun one group (30 vs 10 is good odds) but they were worn down from turn after turn of collateral and opportunistic anti-infantry fire, and then at the last moment were about 2" short of being able to make it to a capture building.
The overview of the end of the game.
I need to get these models to the table more often. A soft goal for the year, both in gaming and painting.