My Starship Troopers by Mongoose Collection's Final Days

I'll need to document the set before I go about selling them, but there's time for one last game and some retrospection.

The Worst Model I've Ever Assembled

Mongoose Publishing's Brain Bug is the single worst model I have yet to work with and though I finished it, I want to rant about what a colossal pain in the ass it was.

Heavy Gear Scatter Terrain Cars & Vehicles

I'm trying to fill out my tables more for Heavy Gear with scatter terrain pieces. I've been feeling one major gap was the lack of vehicles on the table, and this should make a good start of correcting the problem.

Gaming Under the Baleful Sun

A short round up of gaming during the hell month of August here in Texas

Review - Dystopian Wars, 3rd Edition

I bought a fleet and have played slightly more than half a dozen games against slightly less than half a dozen people. I feel like I have a good enough grasp of its strengths and weaknesses now to write about it.

Dystopian Wars Arctic Naval Terrain

I've been playing a bit of Dystopian Wars, the new 3rd edition from Warcradle, lately and decided our tables needed some better purpose built terrain.

Odds & Ends March '24

A roundup of various projects I'm nowhere near ready to write up as finished but I want to get thoughts and notes down and pics up

Summer Hibernation

I've gotten behind as blogs are want to do, and it's only partially excused by a breakneck work schedule me and missus have been laboring under combined with my own procrastination. I've scrapped like 3 partially written articles and I'm just going to do a big summary of it all and move forward.