Dropfleet Commander - UCMF Takes Flight

Finished painting up my ~starter set of Dropfleet Commander UCM ships. Weather/Family/Work all aligned for some good photos of the finished fleet.

Short-Sighted Names: Mid-September Update

yadzcb has a better cadence than yadcb to me, and I honestly thought it'd be years before touching Dropfleet, and then I heard about UKGE...

Faction Unit & Strategy Guide - The Scourge

An overview of unit roles and capabilities of the Scourge occupation forces

New Dropzone Unit Reviews - 2021-08

An evaluation of the aesthetics and mechanics of TTC's August wave of new model weapon options being re-released.

Battle Report - Resistance vs Scourge, Targets of Opportunity, ~1K pts

An account of a recent game wherein Cyclones rule the skies and Destroyers live up to their names.

Resistance Lifthawks Take Flight

I may not have entirely finished my Resistance army by my arbitrary deadline, but my Lifthawks and Jacksons are table ready and worth showing off.

Scenarios & Plausibility

I've been considering how to narratively present any given game of DZC I run and there's a pretty big variance in the amount of explanation necessary for different matchups. These are my notes for explaining the whole point of any given game I'm playing.

Mustering the Wagons

I finally finished my Resistance Gun Wagons after much procrastination and painter's block, and I'm actually really happy with how they came out.

Scourge v2.2.0 1500pt All-Comers List (2021-07-09)

My 'All-Comers' Scourge tournament army list for v2.2.0 rev1.1 of Dropzone Commander

State of the Game as of v2.2.0 (April 2021 Update)

Dropzone Commander is in a better state at the moment than it has been since before TTC released the Battle for Earth book (Summer 2019), which is different but not necessarily improved over the iterative direction it was taking up til the end of the Beta in Spring 2019.

Throwing a Gauntlet at My Own Feet

My FLGS, Game Kastle Austin, is grandly reopening in two weeks time. I need to get my Resistance painted up to a fieldable level before then so I can start fishing for other Dropzone players or inviting new people to try it. Unpainted models DO NOT make for a good first impression. So lets take inventory and see what needs prioritized.